Saatnya ngetes aplikasi yang baru diinstal. Bener2 keren apa nggak. Moga2 dengan ini saya jadi makin rajin update blog kesayangan nih... *finger crossed*
A quirky woman who always dreams about London and adventures she thinks she might have once she gets there.
She loves reading, watching good movies, traveling to new places and meeting new people. She likes talking and talking and talking.
Writing is her frenemy. Has so many ideas in her little brain but has difficulties to put into words. And, sometimes, the classic excuse is 'I don't have time'.
That is why she created this blog. Solely to push her to write more often.
Wish her luck, okay??
Enjoy her posts and leave your comments, as she will be thrilled to know that someone out there reads her posts.
Last but not least, Emesdea is the abbreviation of her name. You may call her Maria Shanti and reach her through email at